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In the action titled In re JUUL Labs, Inc. Marketing, Sales Practices, and Products Liability Litigation, No. 19-md-02913-WHO (N.D. Cal.), there is a class action lawsuit and settlement that could affect your rights.

The Lawsuit alleges that Plaintiffs paid more for JUUL products than they otherwise would have paid if accurate information concerning the products’ addictiveness and safety had been provided. The Lawsuit also alleges that JUUL products were unlawfully marketed to minors. The Defendants deny these allegations and assert that they did not violate any law.

The Court has not decided whether any Defendant violated any laws. This website is not an opinion by the court about whether the Plaintiffs or Defendants are right.

Another part of this case settled earlier this year. Eligible Class Members need to make decisions about this second, new Settlement, that resolves the rest of the Court case.

  • Eligible Class Members must file a claim to receive money from the Settlement.
  • Eligible Class Members only need to file one claim to receive payment from the two Settlements in this case. If you already submitted a claim for the first Settlement, you do not need to submit anything further to receive payment from the new settlement.
  • If you do nothing, you will still be bound by the Settlement and the Lawsuit, and your rights will be affected.
  • If you want to opt out you must do so by February 5, 2024. If you want to object you must do so by February 6, 2024.

Your Legal Rights and Options
Legal Right Description
Make a Claim to Get Paid from the Settlement

To receive a payment from the Altria Settlement, you must make a claim. You only need to file one claim to receive payment from the settlements in the Lawsuit. If you already submitted a claim for the first settlement, you DO NOT need to submit anything further to receive payment from the new settlement. If you have not previously submitted a claim, you can do so on this website here or return a claim form by mail. If you bought directly from JUUL’s website and have not previously submitted a claim, you should have received an email or postcard indicating the purchase amount on record for you that includes a claim code that is specific to you. You can return the postcard by mail or make a claim here.

The deadline to make a claim is February 5, 2024 (deadline has now passed).

Do Nothing

If you do nothing, you will remain in the Settlement Class and be bound by the Settlement. If you did not submit a claim before and do not submit one now, you will not get any money from the Settlement.

Staying in either the Settlement Class and/or the Court Classes does not preclude you from bringing any personal injury claims you may have. Read the FAQs for more details about the types of claims covered by the Lawsuit.

Opt Out of the Settlement

You can opt out of the Settlement Class (also known as excluding yourself) if you want to sue Altria for claims similar to this case. If you previously opted out of the first settlement and you also wish to opt out of this new settlement, you must submit a new opt out form.

If you opt out of the Settlement Class, you will retain your right to sue Altria but you will not be eligible to receive any money from the Altria Settlement (though you can still recover money from the JUUL Settlement if you submitted a claim).

If you are considering bringing a separate claim against Altria, you should consult your own attorney who can advise you about any deadlines to file your claim.

The deadline to opt out is February 5, 2024 (deadline has now passed).

Opt Back Into the Settlement

If you opted out of the JUUL Settlement in this case, you have the opportunity to opt back in now that the rest of the lawsuit has settled. If you wish to opt back into the JUUL Settlement, you must notify the Settlement Administrator in writing using the contact information here.

Object to the Settlement

If you are a member of the Settlement Class and do not opt out of the Altria Settlement, you can object to the Altria Settlement if you do not like any part of it.

More detail on objecting to the Altria Settlement can be found here.

Your options and your rights are explained in the FAQs page, along with the steps you must take if you wish to opt out of any or all of the Classes.